About the Project
The Making Tourism Benefit Communities Adjacent to Archaeological Sites Project was a component of the Belize Rural Development Programme II and was funded by the European Union and the Government of Belize. The project aimed to improve economic opportunities in rural communities and contribute to the reduction of poverty and to enhance the tourism experience through improvements to tourism infrastructure and services at selected sites. The MTBCAAS Project was launched in March 2013 and was made possible with grant funding of BZ$2.75m from the European Union and the Government of Belize under the Belize Rural Development Programme (BRDP) and BZ$1.25 contribution from the Belize Tourism Board and, the National Institute of Culture and History for a total estimated cost of BZ$4 million. The MTBCAAS Project targeted communities adjacent to nine archaeological sites:
- Actun Tunichil Muknal
- Altun Ha
- Barton Creek Cave
- Blue Creek
- Caves Branch
- Lamanai
- Lubantuun
- Nim Li Punit
- Xunantunich
Improved monitoring systems at archaeological sites
Improved health and safety provisions and infrastructure at archaeological sites
Enhanced diversification of community based tourism products and services offered at archaeological sites in Belize
More Info
Download the Final Evaluation Report below: